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Traditional 60/40 Portfolios are Dead

At Kai Wealth, we believe blindly following the simplistic 60/40 stock/bond allocation prescribed by most wealth advisors is dangerous and naive. 
The 60/40 allocation model's 40-year success directly results from two factors: an environment of supply-side economics and decreasing interest rates.

So, how do you invest in an environment of steadily increasing interest rates and populism? It’s time for a revolution in wealth management. It’s time to innovate, adapt, and perceive wealth management differently.
Instead of taking unnecessary directional market risk, we leverage opportunities in market structure to transform risk into opportunity. Dynamic allocation, diverse asset classes, and utilizing the capital efficiency of derivatives hold the potential to protect and enhance your wealth.
We aim to provide you with bespoke tools and strategies tailored to your financial ambitions and risk appetite that invest in non-correlated portfolios without directional risk to either bonds or stocks.
Embrace a new era of wealth management where adaptation drives success. Let's reshape your financial future in a world where change is the sole constant. 


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